For information on the current NHS prescription charges as well as information on medication exemptions please click on the button below.
For information on the Electronic Repeat Dispensing service and how it can benefit you as a patient please click on the button below.
For information on how to request your repeat prescription please click on the button below.
For information on the local pharmacies available and how to nominate one please click on the button below.
For further information on the dispensary and what services it offers, please click on the button below
If you have a query about the medication that you are taking or your repeat prescription please fill in the form below. Once received we will process your query and respond via email within 1 working day.
Please click on the button below to view our latest notice following the recent announcement of the 2025 budget. This will have a significant impact on the services that we can provide, affecting waiting times, appointment capacity as well as staffing recruitment and retention.
It is important that patients are aware of the upcoming challenges for General Practice.